Introduction| Import a text file| Your collection at a glance| Add/edit your compilations manually|Add/edit your albums manually| Add/edit your MP3 Collections | Add CD data with Gracenote CDDB® Music Recognition Service| Quick Search| User Agreement | |
Import a text file
Because you - being a collector of audio CD's - may already have your own database, it would be not so nice if you had to enter all these data again. But, you don't have to do that! If you are able to prepare a text file formatted as described below, you can import your data in Dr. Tibonia's Musicbox. Prepare your text fileYou should prepare separate files for compilations and albums. For both compilations and albums 2 file formats are supported. In the first format each row contains one data, in the second all track data are at one row. A total of 4 different file formats are supported. Preparing your text file, you should be aware of the fact that the sign '*' has a special meaning. Format 1: compilation data, one data per rowYour text file is formatted as indicated below:
In the file "Collection format 1 example.txt" that you can find in the default folder C:\Program Files\Dr. Tibonia's Musicbox\Data, an example of this data format is given. Format 2: compilation data, tracks at one rowYour text file is formatted as indicated below:
In the file "Collection format 2 example.txt" that you can find in the default folder C:\Program Files\Dr. Tibonia's Musicbox\Data, an example of this data format is given. Format 3: album data, one data per rowYour text file is formatted as indicated below:
In the file "Single format 1 example.txt" that you can find in the default folder C:\Program Files\Dr. Tibonia's Musicbox\Data, an example of this data format is given. Format 4: album data, tracks at one rowYour text file is formatted as indicated below:
In the file "Single format 2 example.txt" that you can find in the default folder C:\Program Files\Dr. Tibonia's Musicbox\Data, an example of this data format is given.
Just import it!Choose File->Import or press Ctrl+A at the keyboard. The screen depicted below appears: Click "Browse" and find the file you want to import. Mark the data type and file format. Click "Read file now". The text file is read into the computer's memory. If successful, the next screen pops up: Here you can view the result. The numbering of the tracks and CD's is done by the system. Check the imported data. If they are read properly, click "Import in database". If not, edit your text file and read it again. While importing, your data are checked and efficiently stored in the database. It may take some time, depending largely on the file size and your computer's processor. | |